Embrace Africa will provide an invitation letter for three months charitable visa for anyone who intends to volunteer with us,  not only that but also Embrace Africa will be compiling the residence and working permit for all volunteers intend to work with us for more than six months. Application for a working and residence permit is advised to be submitted online prior to the applicant’s entry into Tanzania.

In the event that the applicant is in Tanzania at the time of the application, he is required to have a special pass which is USD 600. The special pass is usually issued to a foreigner living in or entering in Tanzania in order to afford him the opportunity to apply for and obtain the Permits or to complete any immigration formalities. The government fee for both residence and working permit is USD.1050 for the duration of two years.

  1. Volunteer contract
  2. Job description
  3. Evidence of activities of NGO from relevant government institution
  4. A copy of constitution of an organization
  5. Copy of the valid Passport
  6. CV
  7. Academic certificates
  8. Letter of introduction from the organization
  9. Passport size photos

Note: Embrace Africa does not issue neither working nor residence permits. What we do is to documentations and forwards the applications to the government authorities to be processed. The authority to issue Residence Permits is vested to the Commissioner General of Immigration Services in Tanzania.

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