Women Economic Empowerment Initiative.

SheRise is an innovative initiative aimed at fostering economic empowerment among women across diverse communities in the northern region. The project acknowledges the pivotal role women play in society and seeks to provide them with the necessary resources, opportunities and support to thrive in various economic sphere.

Purpose of SheRise project

Support women and girls’ efforts by helping them to generate income and become financial independent

Why SheRise

Study shows that families with women with an income are more likely to thrive; their children are more likely to attend to school and have mental and physical health.

Our main objective is to support 500 women households with low income by creating opportunities.

Investing in women benefits families and communities and the entire economy in terms of economic growth and human capital.

Reducing gender equality gaps. Women until today still face significant obstacles participating in the economy on equal terms as men.

 Enable women and girls pursue a livelihood. By reducing the skill gaps and social rooms that inhibit women to fully participate in economic life.


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